Saturday, March 5, 2011

What an Exciting Nite - I Met Jane Fonda Backstage After Seeing "33 Variations" Again(:

Marvin Paige, Harrison Held, Kat Kramer and the legendary Jane Fonda   Photo: Idrees Degas(:

We were all thrilled to be backstage with Jane after last nite's performance!  She truly is a marvelous actress and person.  Kat has known Jane since she was a little girl.  Her Godmother Katharine Hepburn and Jane were friends through  "On Golden Pond", a wonderful  Academy Award winning film directed by Mark Rydell plus Kat's family  knows  Peter Fonda and Shirlee Fonda.  Jane was on the host committee for the premiere of "Kat Kramer's Films that Changed the World" presentation of "Elephants and Man: A Litany of Tragedy" January 20th.  Her buddies Lily Tomlin and Cher were involved with the event which was a tremendous success!  Getting back to last nite -  we all  loved the  Moises Kaufman play and it got a much deserved standing 0!  Check out Jane's blog at - she truly is inspiring.(:   

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